Always striving forward, never looking back. Imagine yourself climbing a mountain. Persevering all the way to the top. Don’t look down, you may lose your balance. I love the story “Pilgrims Progress”. If you strive forward and take on the unnecessary burdens, you won’t get very far without trouble. Think also of Lot and his wife in the story about Sodom and Gomorrah. They were instructed to go forward and not look back. Remember what happened to Lot’s wife? She turned into a pillar of salt. God has really been teaching me to strive forward and not dwell on the things that happened already. I make many mistakes and tend to dwell on them to the point of making myself sick.
When working on the homeschool convention this year, I wanted to have it turn out the best I could do. In order to do that, I had to not look at the little mistakes that were unchangeable. It was imperative to keep my eyes on the goal at hand, and not let anything get me distracted. By the way, there were many things trying to distract me. One person in particular tried her dead level hardest to make me distracted and not think about the project I was working on. Don’t you hate that? I like that person very much, but it was a knawing temptation to give in, and follow what she was trying to make me do. For a while, I was like Christian in “Pilgrims Progress” and carried her burden, but I soon realized that it was only another one of the many obstacles that tried to stand in my way of planning this homeschool convention. If you just shoot for the moon, and don’t look back at the distractions along the way, it is easier to accomplish the goals you have set before you.
Because everyone deserves a smile
11 years ago