Tuesday, May 27, 2008

To Persevere...

From what I've found out is that there are two different ways to spell this word. Each way means the same. What do you like better? Perseverance, or perseverence? I like all the e's because it is easier to type and remember. There are dictionaries that only include just one way to spell it. Tell me what you think is right. If you find that "perseverance" is the right way, oh well. I like my way better.

To Persevere.... It means to be patient, determined, and persistent (according to the Webster's Pocket Dictionary). I would like to model my life after this. If I am not patient in my homeschool endevours, than there would be unrest in my family. Why should I yell and scream and get frustrated easily? My family would only suffer. I could have a nervous breakdown from all of the extra mental energy that go's into losing control.

To be patient, means to be accepting of inconvenience (also from the previously mentioned dictionary). Homeschooling is not easy. Sometimes it can be very inconvenient when springtime comes, and you cannot go out and garden because your child needs to be administered a spelling test. Or, the milk is gone, you have to go shopping, but you know if you disrupt the regular homeschooling schedule, it would also distract your childs brain from learning at all that day. Can anyone relate to this?

Let talk about determination. We need this to be able to finish a day's work, whatever that may be. I am determined to finish this year of school with my children. Just recently I coordinated a homeschool convention. This was really hard. It seemed as though there was an obstacle put in my way everytime I overcame one. To complete this task, I needed determination. The end result was satisfying. We had a great convention!

Persistence is a result of determination. This is where you begin school everyday at the sametime. Children work well with schedules. In order to accomplish that schedule, you must be persistent. If you set a schedule for the day, it is easier to find out what time of day your child works best. Mine are morning learners. If my children do not start school by 9am everyday, I lose their focus. After 10am they are pretty much ready for the fun stuff. However, if I start the technical curriculums, such as Math, Spelling, or English by 9am, then I could almost go all day with technical type subjects. If I start school sometime after 10am the children seem to drag more, and complain about being challenged.

So I live my life demonstrating perseverence. If I don't, my children's education would be in turmoil. Nothing would ever get done.


Anonymous said...

I like it! Perseverence is my favorite way to spell it too!