Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Newest in Interactive Game Systems

We jumped into society this summer and purchased the most popular game system out there right now, the Nintendo Wii. For those of you that are unaware of what it really is, I will tell you briefly. This is I believe the first game system that you can literaly run, jump, box, play a real tennis game, and so much more! It took me a week and a half of going from one game seller to the next just to get my Wii Fit Board. I love it. Now I have someone that will hold me accountable for my weight loss/gain that can't pass judgement on me. The Wii Fit Board is loaded with excersizing tips and information. My posture is better and I have a pretty good awareness of my weight vs. strength levels. Unfortunately, the Wii Fit does not cater to children as well. I have to tell my children that gaining weight and growing is actually in their best interest. The Wii Fit is only programmed to celebrate at weight losses. So when my child gains 2lbs. and grows an inch, the program will respond concerned and ask why, while adding a tip on how to lose weight or something of such.

All in all, for you homeschool moms out there, it really is a great way to take care of yourself if you get the Wii Fit Board and game. It is nice to have something you can do anytime and will hold you accountable without anyone knowing what your measurements actually are.