Thursday, June 26, 2008

Collectors Books

I went to a local used bookstore last year. It was small, but full of fascinating books. I was in search of one particular book though. You should know it. The Old Mother Goose book. You know, the one with the checker board look, and the Old Mother Goose lady on the front. If you have one of these books, do not read on in the post. Just give me the book as a Christmas present. Heck, I’ll even pay you what you paid for it.

You would never believe what the book collector said to me about this one book. First of all, I had to be schooled in the fact that books are like baseball cards. Their prices fluctuate according to popularity, availability and age. Books are not just made in masses. They are made in numbers. It just so happens that since The Old Mother Goose book went out of print because of it not being “politically correct”, it drove up the price dramatically. If you have this book in mint condition, you may want to hold onto it until you are really poor and need that money for your house payment or something, because this book last year was priced at $1400. Can you believe that? I used to have this book when I was 12 years old. Now I really wish I kept that book. What a stupid thing I did the day I gave it to goodwill!


Mrs. Pevensie said...

Can you imagine how big our houses would have to be if we held onto everything that might "be of value" some day?

Don't make me regret my upcoming garage sale! LOL!