Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My Friend, Mrs. Pevensie

Have you visited my friend Mrs. Pevensie? Her wardrobe of knowledge is extremely humorous. You will find her to be down to earth, and real. I love her witty humor. Can’t you all relate to her post about distraction? I am constantly being annoyed by distractions. Lets face it they are everywhere. It wasn’t until this year that I learned to put my thoughts on hold, and address the distraction without forgetting my thought I had. That is very hard to do. I really love my children. Often times I use them as reasons why I can’t get anything done. Is this really true, or is it poor management of time on my part? Am I not praying for grace enough, or is it a lack of focusing in my brain?

I love your article Mrs. Pevensie. I do get distracted with people everywhere. When I am well known, it is worse, but I love the attention. Doesn’t everybody? I try not to forget those quiet ones off to the side though. I was there for a very long time. It wasn’t until most recently that I realized I needed to quit isolating myself (which is so easy to do as a homeschool mom). Naturally, I am not very outgoing, yet I’ve learned that in order for me to build confidence in myself, I need to get out of my box and try to participate in activities going on around me. This also helps in contributing to society which we all should be doing in some way or other.


Mrs. Pevensie said...

I'm glad you decided to "come out of isolation" and join the fun! Now we can be distracted together!...um, I mean keep each other accountable, yeh, that's it.